energy efficiency

Check out this rebate and tax credit calculator for Colorado Homeowners

Did you know that there are significant rebates and tax incentives available for Colorado homeowners to help offset the cost of home energy efficiency and electrification upgrades? 

Sharing this info is a great touch point to your sphere, AND a potential way to leverage these rebates and incentives to help offset the repair or replacement costs of home inspection related repairs. 

To help distill this information, we have put together our own local incentive resource guide here. You can also check out this helpful calculator from Rewiring America here.

Make sure to take advantage of these incentives whenever possible and to educate your clients about what’s available to them. We have also linked our resource guide to our home inspection reports for all relevant recommendations for ease of reference. The last thing we want is for someone to leave this money on the table. 

As always, reach out to us with any questions.

Why Window Replacements Aren’t the Top Energy Efficiency Fix

The window industry is going to hate me for this, but this is a topic that I have studied in depth since I began my education and career in the home performance profession in 2007. 

When it comes to improving home energy efficiency, it’s a common belief that replacing windows should be the first step. While upgrading old windows does help improve home comfort and efficiency, it’s almost always not the most impactful or cost-effective home performance solution.

Here’s why:

  • Heat Loss Priorities: The biggest sources of energy loss are typically poorly insulated attics, walls, and basements/floors—not windows. Just think about how much surface area your windows account for as compared to your walls, floors and ceilings.

  • Cost vs. Benefit: High-performance windows are expensive, but their energy savings may take decades to offset the upfront cost. The cost of wall, attic and flooring insulation is relatively low.

  • Air Sealing is Key: Drafts and leaks around doors, vents, and other openings contribute significantly to energy loss. Sealing these gaps can have an immediate impact.

For the most impactful results and high ROI, prioritize insulation and air sealing, then consider window upgrades as part of a long-term energy plan. Investing in these areas first ensures the greatest return on your energy efficiency improvements.

With that being said, every home is different and it’s always best to start with a comprehensive Home Energy Audit to assess, determine and prioritize your options for energy efficiency optimization. While we have deep roots in home energy audits, we do not currently offer this service, but do have some local recommendations on our Home Service Provider list.

Significant rebates, tax credits and incentives are available for home energy audits and home efficiency upgrades through the utility companies and on the local, state and federal level. Be sure to check out our Energy Efficiency and Electrification Resource Guide for more information.